Rules & Method

Fortball Rules & Method
1. Fortball is played with only one ball, between two teams.
2. One inner player of each team is positioned next to the targets (cones) in one half-field. The rest of the players are positioned outside the fields in such a way that each inner player is surrounded by the opponents from 4 sides – as if “under siege” (see picture above).
3. Aim of the game is to win points by knocking down the opponents’ cones with the ball. 1 point is awarded if at least one of the opponents’ cones is knocked down.
4. There is no crossing lines – all players only move within their zone. Players can’t touch the ball if it’s not within their zone.
5. Inner players defend their cones from being hit, but they can also attack the opponents’ cones. If they knock down any of their own cones, their team loses a point.
6. When a point is won, the team that lost the point gets possession of the ball, and their inner player swaps places with one of their outer players. This can be done in a rotational manner, so every player gets a chance to play from each position.
7. Players can use any part of their body to control the ball, but they can only use their feet when passing the ball to their team-mates or shooting at the targets. (Stopping the ball with hands is O.K., whether inner or outer players.)
8. Players have to play fast and get rid of the ball within 7 seconds of possession – either to shoot at the target or to pass the ball across the field to another player.
9. Inner players are doing most of the running. They can demand a swap at any time – providing the ball is in possession of their team.
10. The game is played for 2×20 minutes with break of 5 minutes in between the half-times.
11. Teams swap fields for the second half-time.
11. Win brings 2 boints for the tournament, draw brings 1 point, and there is 0 points for the loosing team.
13. Fortball can be played on set number of points. (The winner is the first team that scores 15 points with 2 points difference.)
1. Fortball is played with only one ball, between two teams. We use volleyball ball.
2. One inner player of each team is positioned next to the targets (cones) in one half-field. The rest of the players are positioned outside the fields in such a way that each inner player is surrounded by the opponents from 4 sides – as if “under siege” (see picture above).
3. Aim of the game is to win points by knocking down the opponents’ cones with the ball. 1 point is awarded if at least one of the opponents’ cones is knocked down.
4. Inner players defend their cones from being hit, but they can also attack the opponents’ cones. If they knock down any of their own cones, their team loses a point.
5. When a point is won, the team that lost the point gets possession of the ball, and their inner player swaps places with one of their outer players. This can be done in a rotational manner, so every player gets a chance to play from each position.
6. There is no crossing lines – all players only move within their zone. Players can’t touch the ball if it’s not within their zone.
7. Players can use any part of their body to control the ball, but they can only use their feet when passing the ball to their team-mates or shooting at the targets. (Stopping the ball with hands is O.K., whether inner or outer players.)
8. Players have to play fast and get rid of the ball within 5 seconds of possession – either to shoot at the target or to pass the ball across the field to another player.
9. Inner players are doing most of the running. They can demand a swap at any time – providing the ball is in possession of their team.
10. Game is finished when one of the teams reaches the score of 15. There has to be 2 points difference.
11. Teams swap fields for the second game.
11. A match is finished when 2 games have been won by a team.
12. When the score is 1:1 in games, the deciding third game needs to be played. For fairness, the teams swap fields when about mid game. The third game can be set to be shorter (e.g. up to score 6).
13. Fortball can be played on time as well. Two half-times of 20 minutes are recommended, providing the teams swap sides after the first half-time. The team with the highest score at the end of the second half-time is the winner.