Nest Inc. Social


Anybody can play Fortball.
It's fun. It's easy.
Nest Incorportaed is inviting you to play Social Fortball.

Every Wednesday from 7-9pm.
Starting from 3rd of May 2023 at
Seaforth Community Centre.

Join us when you can.

We use gentle balls.
There is no contact, tackling or steeling ball.
There is not much running.
Moderate exercise.
There is lots of laughter and lots of chances to win points. 

Get healthier and make a difference to children in need.

Together we can achieve more. Join our Wednesday sports.

We offer social and safe environment to enjoy the company of friendly people and participate in this new exciting game.

By taking part in our weekly sports, turn your passion into enjoyment and support our charity.

Your voluntary donations are also appreciated, every dollar counts.



F - Feet only to pass the ball or knock down cones.
O - Obey the lines - stay in your zone. Do not cross lines!
R - Rotate positions after every point won.
T - Time! 5 seconds rule to pass or shoot!

Nest Incorportated is a not-for-profit humanitarian community.
Spreading the Power of Kindnes, Today and Everyday...